Tweak Your Aspire – Case of missing “Embedded Comment Form”
About two days back, I received an email by one of my reader Javier Esteban González Andújar and user of “Aspire” template, pointing to the fact that the embedded comment form has stopped working. He is a writer and had won prize for his work under Short Story category (Congrats!!!). He posted the news of his winning on his blog and was expecting Comments from his readers when he found out that the embedded comment form is not there. So to make things right again especially for him…. When everything was right, this is what embedded comment form looked like And this is what it looked like with no comment form. Let’s make things right again. Click Design => Edit HTML => Expand Widget Templates Then Search for the code:- < iframe allowtransparency ='true' class ='blogger-iframe-colorize blogger-comment-from-post' frameborder ='0' height ='410' id ='comment-editor' name ='comment-editor' src =...