The Best things in life are free. First of all as a tribute to all the programmers, coders, designers and everyone giving us some really great Freeware, I will start my first post with one of the best Freeware (after Linux) There are 80% chances that you are reading this blog on a browser called Internet Explorer (By none other than MS) . Though used by many, may I dare to say that it probably is full of compromises. You compromise on security, features, speed and then some more. So are you satisfied by Internet Explorer. I am not . And those of you, who are satisfied with Internet Explorer then WAKE UP, there is something called Mozilla Firefox (Yes, It's a browser and rest of the world knows about it). Use it and you will instantly fall in love with it. It's fast, secure, reliable and can be customized using Add-Ons. If you don't like a somewhat plain looking default theme, No Problemo. It is skinable and you can change/add to the appearance and funct...